Thursday, November 12, 2009

Twin Peaks

In 2002-2003, I lived in Twin Peaks-California.Elevation is 5,778 feet. I didn't like it very much because the kinds were mean to me at school and I was going through my awkward stage blah blah blah. Looking back now, the place was beautiful and I would love to go back and visit. This was my bus stop!

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1 comment:

Gale said...

LOL...I got off at the exact same place, only about 10 years earlier (I graduated from Rim in 1994). The kids I rode the bus with back then sound about like the people you described (a lot of them, not all), but I always appreciated the beauty, even when I was still there (we didn't always live on the mountains though, so I think that helped me to realize what a gift that was). Now that I'm in Texas, where everything is pretty flat and dry, I miss those mountains a lot sometimes.