Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Tom's and Daisy's

My junior year of high school we were required to read The Great Gatsby. Of course, I didn't appreciate being assigned to a read a book I didn't want to read or being forced to see themes I didn't see in it. Looking back, I totally took school for granted. Back to the book, to be honest, out of the two times I took English 11, I have never read The Great Gatsby. On the flipside, I know alot about it because I did repeat the class. There is one part in the book that sticks in my head and haunts me in reality.

"They were careless people, Tom and Daisy - they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money of their vast carelessness, or whatever it was that kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made"- Chapter 9

Our lives are full of Tom's and Daisy's! Those reckless people that you love, but they don't love you back. The selfish people that use you and make huge messes and then flee the crime scene. I don't know if this is really relevant to you the reader, but these people have broken my heart time and time again. This writing has no point, but really I just had to put it out there.

My Fair-weathered Lady Friends..or just friends in general

The ones that like to hang out with you when it's convenient for them. You call them to hangout and they don't answer or they're busy. Anybody CAN MAKE TIME FOR ANYTHING. It's what you prioritize. If you don't want to make time to hang out with somebody, then you obviously don't value them at all. It's sad to see those friends go, but you're better off without them.