I had THE creepiest dream. I was gonna go to a Chris' friend's house with him and Ariel. We were walking behind my apartments in an alley, which is also behind a movie theater. A movie had just gotten out because I saw
alot of teenagers going through the alley. They were dressed in fairy costumes and were
hella goth. It was kind of like walking around Capitol Hill
haha. Anyway, I was in a bad mood, but these people started shaking my hand and kissing it and I felt better. I started saying hi and doing the same. While we were walking, this guy pulls two guns out and everyone screams and crouches to the ground. For some
reason, I did not crouch down. I was the only one standing and staring at him while he was reciting a speech he had planned to say. I ran away and Ariel screamed, "Don't run, Silvia! He's going to shoot you." My logic was that he was planning to commit suicide, he wasn't going to shoot me. So this tan girl crawls towards him and takes the 9mm from him, she asks for the bigger gun next. He lifts it up and it has a HUGE barrel, the size of his head and there's electricity running through it. I can see bolts running through it when I turn to the left and see a little guy, he looks like Aly's friend, Jonathan Fine in a black costume. He has a wand with this same electricity on the end. He's happy and dancing around almost praising this man. I said to him, "What's your problem? Are you his friend or something?" The guy put his head in the barrell and pulled the trigger. he electrocuted himself in front of this crowd and it went on for a few minutes. When the man was incinerated we all got up and cried in relief, kind of like when the poor unfortunate souls are release from Ursula's cave in The Little Mermaid.
I hope this dream doesn't mean anything.