Every year I try to look back and really think about all the events that happened. To look at every event in retrospect could bring you a new meaning to it and you could appreciate more or whatnot.
Now, that said, I don't have a "best" or "worst" memory of 2008. I'm very bad at judging things in that way. If you know me, you know that I don't believe in regrets. Everything action you make is what you wanted at the time and if it was completely out of your hands then God was doing his own thing. I wouldn't change the past even if I could. If I could relive it without changing a thing, I would because it was so much fun haha.
Let's start off with my birthday. I found out that my friend Chris' birthday the next day after mine and that was fun. I didn't have a huge party and I didn't go out. But my friends came over and brought me a cake =] I do remember Keith was gonna have a party around the time of my brithday and I asked him if I could invite people so I could kinda celebrate. I ended up getting uninvited and that was no fun.
Fourth of July. Ariel was with Matt? and Aly and I were gonna go to Koa's house and light them off. Then Koa all of a sudden came out with some Mariners tickets for that morning. Aly was feeling very sick when she woke up, so we gave her ticket to my friend Chloe. After the game, I went home to get my fireworks. Aly was still not feelin too hot so she stayed home =[ So it was me and Koa all day. We walked to Luis' house and then to Makayla's. We finally lit off our fireworks at like midnight. It was fun and really mellow.
School. I only went to school for winter quarter. College is kinda hard haha but I like it. I did stop going to my english class, but that teacher sucked.So yeah, I for sure failed a class. I didn't make any new friends, but I'm going back this year!
PAWS Foster Care Program. I started around halloween and I've taken care of six cats. The program is for companion animals that come to the shelter and are either too young to be adopted or just need a place to stay for a bit because there's no room.
Partying. Honestly, I think I threw up like two times this year from partying too hard.
Police. I did get pulled over for turning around in a parking lot. The cop thought I was running away from him so he followed me for a while, then pulled me over when I turned into a neighborhood. I don't have my license, but he let me go. I go sooo lucky.
Blue C Sushi. I went there for the first time this year and it was fun and tasty. I now love that place.
Halloween. Bryant had a pre-Halloween party and I dressed up as some 80's rockstar aka my alter ego haha. Atafeh, Koa, Simon, Paige, and I went to Pullman for the halloween weekend. I dressed up as Rosy the Rivetor and a hippie the next day. There's not much I can about what happened during that weekend cuz it was all a big party haha.
Love. I dated somebodody this year for a few months. I didn't get my heart broken and I didn't fall in love, but it was a let down. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all the time I spent with this person.
Presidential Election 08. I did not vote, but I did campaign for Barrack Obama. My volunteer work involved me calling people in the Edmonds/Lynnwood area about volunteering and kibda taking a survey on who they were gonna vote for.
Best friends. I met Teela this year also. She is a very warmhearted generous person. I love her to this day. Now, my gromance Atafeh is on another level haha. We clicked like no other and we were inseperable this summer. When school started things inda trailed off, but I love her jus the same. I did distance myself from another best friend of mine, but I have my reasons that I wish not to discuss haha
Favorite Quotes of 2008
"You would."- Anybody who says that to me.
"No one is more popular than Jesus"- Random guy in U.S. vs. John Lennon.
"I will enpregnate you on the dance floor."- Milan Moncrief when I asked him to Tolo.(2007, but still a good quote)
"Chestnut"- David Enriquez
"My ass has been on pause, but I'm finna press play in a mothafuckin milasecond!"- New York
"I had some weird illegal mexican alcohol...made me think of you."- Atafeh Karimi
"Well aight check this out dawg, first of all, you throwin' too many big words at me, and because I don't understand 'em I'm gonna take 'em as disrespect. Watch ya mouth and help me with the sale."- Smart Tech customer from 40-Year-Old-Virgin
"You have the coordination of a baby giraffe."-Bryant to a drunken Jaeger
"What kind of king lives next to the freakin train tracks? What is this, Mexico?"- Stewie from Family Guy
"Leiutenant buzz kill,General buzz kill, Sergeant buzz kill"- Mike Anderton
"3 beers= a Pringles"- Hares Ibrahami
"YOUR FACE is remixed"- Matt Verzola
"That gave me the burning farts"- Anonymous
"That girl is secretly hood." David Lewis
"Nothing of me is original. I am the combined efforts of everyone I've ever known."Invisible Monsters- Chuck Palahnuik.
"The brave may not live long, but the cautious do no live at all."- The Princess Diaries
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
What are you waiting for?
Just listen to me on one thing.
Everyday you wait is one day you'll never get back.
trust me on that.
-One Tree Hill
Everyday you wait is one day you'll never get back.
trust me on that.
-One Tree Hill
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Next Blog
Have you ever clicked on it? You get random blogs to look at so they showed me this.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Sometimes when we think we are keeping a secret, that secret is actually keeping us. -Frank Warren
The truth will truly set you free.
The truth will truly set you free.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
If you hear..
if you hear that someone is speaking ill of you, instead of trying to defend yourself, you should say, "they obviously don't know me very well, since there are so many other faults they could've mentioned."
Monday, February 11, 2008

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Hannah Montana 3D

Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Glow in the Dark

Thanks to Simon's stalking, he found this. If it comes within 100 mile of us, we're going. We're gonna go even if that means a roadtrip to California. It's gonna be so sick. I've always wanted to see Kanye West and especially now that Graduation has released. Here's the link if you want to be a stalker too.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Koa, this one's for you.
I made this just for you. So I can comment on every one of your blogs. I love you.
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